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Academic Qualifications Replacement

Graduates of AFTRS may apply for a replacement testamur (degree certificate), academic transcript or statement of attainment. Replacement documents will be issued in the current style, include the date of graduation and date of replacement and a note stating ‘This is a replacement certificate’.

Submitting your application

To apply, complete the Academic Qualification Replacement form (above) and send it to studentinfo@aftrs.edu.au. There is an administrative cost associated with replacing documents, as outlined on the form.

All requests will require a certified copy of your passport or birth certificate with your application to allow us to confirm your identity. If you are requesting a replacement testamur, you will need to either return your damaged testamur or fill in the Statutory Declaration (see page 3 of the form) outlining the circumstances of the loss.

Processing your application

Payment needs to be received prior to the request being processed. Allow 2-3 weeks for your request to be processed. We cannot guarantee a quick turnaround, especially during busy periods so make sure your request is made ahead of the time you need it.

For more information please contact the AFTRS Student Centre on 9805 6444.